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European Dance Development Network (EDN)

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EDN - European Dance Development Network is a network of contemporary dance organisations, whose common mission is strengthening the role of contemporary dance in shaping more diverse, equitable and sustainable models through: 
- Advocacy and research: mediate and create awareness of the specificity of contemporary dance and to strengthen the onward movement of the dance sector on a European level.
- Capacity building: creating conditions for exchanges and facilitating knowledge sharing.
- Connecting and collaborating with organisations, other networks and stakeholders to enhance the relevance of diverse dance, audiences and citizens' engagement.

EDN is a proud recipient of the EU's network funding. Embodied Transformations is EDN's fourth EU-funded network project, representing contemporary dance in Europe. It connects contemporary dance professionals, organisations, and communities across Europe to foster a stable and interdependent dance ecosystem. 
From 2025 to 2028, Embodied Transformations will empower the sector to connect the dots, enlarge its discourse, and amplify its advocacy efforts.

Project Goals
→ Fair Working Conditions: Identify models that support sustainable living and working conditions for dance artists and other professionals.
→ Youth & Community Engagement: Investigate innovative approaches to community engagement while addressing youth mental health and wellbeing.
→ Environmental Sustainability: Promote actions that encourage environmental sustainability within the dance sector, reducing its ecological footprint.
→ Global Collaboration: Foster international partnerships and intercultural exchanges through equitable relationships with global dance communities.
→ Digital Innovation: Strengthen cross-sectoral collaboration to enhance digital innovation in dance creation, production, and distribution.

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 EN Co funded by the EU PANTONE 

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