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Summer School (english version)

Summer School 2019

WORKSHOP in collaboration with NoLimita-c-tion dance teachers
This year the No Limita-c-tions contemporary dance teachers organize three different workshops (level: intermediate/advanced), from the 20th to the 25th of August, lead by the choreographers Chisato Ohno, Chen Wei-Lee and Yasmeen Godder.

Yasmeen Godder and Tomer Damsky -Contemporary and Rep. Voice and Movement research, an introduction to movement and vocal practices developed and researched by Yasmeen Godder and Tomer Damsky in the creation process of Demonstrate Restraint. (August 20th and 23rd, h.16-18)
Chisato Ohno -Contemporary and Rep. Sessions to help dancers reconnect to the way they move. Directions are given primarily in images and the object is to cultivate one's own way of moving through sensations. Imagery stimulates imagination and movement. Using this highly experiential language, dancers are encouraged to explore their weaknesses and break old movement habits. (August 20th h.19-20.30 and from Aug.21st to Aug.25th h.9-10.30).
Yossi Berg and Oded Graf - Contemporary and Rep. Attention will be paid to deepening one’s artistry, physicality, technical and interpretive skills/artistic personal expressiveness. We will work to expand your movement vocabulary, physicality, kinesthetic awareness, performative range, musicality and mental acuity through playful and curious atmosphere. Insight into the choreographers’ processes and movement vocabulary. (August 24th and 25th, h.16-18).
Chen Wei Lee -Contemporary and Rep. This workshop explores the idea from Chinese philosophy-Yijing, the Idea of of Change. In Yijing philosophy, change is the notion that the cosmos is an organismic process without beginning or end. As a process, the cosmos resembles a great flow in which “all of the parts of the entire cosmos belong to one organic whole” and all the parts “interact as participants in one spontaneously self-generating process.”
As such, there are three characteristics of this great flow: continuity, wholeness, and dynamism. It is continuous because it never stops in renewing itself. (August 20th and 21st, h.16-18).
This concept will be transformed into dance physicality, creating the flow from- continuity, wholeness, and dynamism into a never ending pattern based on guided improvisation and on the creativities of the participants.

Info and subscriptions:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

During the days of B.motion dance, the choreographers part of B.Motion Programme will lead open classes from 10.45 to 12.45 in the morning. Access only for B.Motion Card/Class holders (70€, we advise you to book it in advance).
21st August Clara Furey
22nd August Tony Tran
23rd August Alessandro Sciarroni
24th August Carolyn Bolton
25th August Lilian Steiner

From the 17th to the 25th August: a project for young dancers (from 8 to 13 years old), dedicated to contemporary dance, with dance classes led by the Australian choreographer James Batchelor (17th - 21st August), as part of AerowavesOFFSPRING project, and by the Italian dance makers Camilla Monga and Roberta Racis (22nd - 25th August). The project starts in July with a class led by Masako Matsushita (13th July, 3-5pm, at CSC Garage Nardini), and includes dance classes, a calendar of performances to be seen during the B.Motion days and feedback sessions with the bloggers.
Participation fee: 70€, performances included.

Choreographic Research Project
From 18th to the 25th August, a research week for choreographers, focusing on dance dramaturgy. Activities include dramaturgy studies, dialogues with choreographers and dance professionals, workshops, performances, events, panels, ateliers, and meetings with European projects partners. Participants will attend all the events of B motion.
The official language will be English. Attendance at the complete program is compulsory and the number of participants is limited. Participation fee: 400€ + 60€ for the B.Motion pass including all the performances.

Teaching Course on Dance Well
In collaboration with Casa di Cura Villa Margherita in Arcugnano, a leader on Parkinson studies and part of the NYU Fresco Institute for Italy, this course is a whole new opportunity for dance professionals to learn in an artistic and scientific way the Dance Well method, a dance practice for people with Parkinson.
The Teaching Course Dance Well (17th - 26th August) includes a scientific course, an artistic teaching course, meetings and events, and, from September to November researches and workshops and a specific calendar of activities for each participant. this year, 2019, it involves also a delegation of artists and curators from Japan, in order to develop new artistic and cultural practices, with the support of the Japan Foundation.

INFO: Ufficio Operaestate tel. +39 0424.519803 – mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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